Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Why vote?

They give you a sticker. I like stickers.


Sherwood Harrington said...

I voted today, but I turned down the sticker. I probably should have taken it, though -- it probably would have been the most fun thing in the process. Out here in California, the Republican side of the primary was much more entertaining than my Democrat side -- they had two gazillionaires running for governor throwing more than $100 million in mud at each other for the past several months. One of them has a GREAT name for a politician: Poizner (pronounced "pois'ner," as in "Borgia.")

Oh, well. At least I got to vote for Jerry Brown again, which was trippy in a very weird way.

ronnie said...

They replaced Jerry Brown with an automaton years ago. It will continue to run for office in California for the next million years.

Nostalgic for the Pleistocene said...

That would make for the greatest episode of After People ...