This is gonna be one of those
How I Spent My Week entries.
Saturday, May 8:Harley-Davidson Bike Week is beginning. It happens every May. It is not a "week." It's 3 weeks. The roaring goes on most of the night. The rest of this week will take place under a lack of sleep. But, hey, there's nothing in particular going on.....
2PM: I get some ice out of the standing freezer. I walk away, expecting the freezer door to close itself as always. 8 hours later, at bedtime, I go back in (It's in the laundry room) and there it is. Caught on a wastebasket. Wide open. Much meltwater on the floor.
The outmoded technology of the freezer, combined with my laziness has had a benefit. It's an oldie, and needs defrosting. I haven't done that in 4 years. The ice buildup is still partly intact and some stuff still frozen. This only reinforces my belief that procrastination pays.
A large turkey has started to thaw, meaning I need to move it to the fridge, meaning I need to rearrange the fridge. I salvage some important stuff, but Larry's foot-tall snowman, made from the recent rare snowfall, is now a puddle in an aluminum pan, which is genuinely upsetting. The rest -- OK, if i close the freezer everything will refreeze and I won't know what came through and what has merely refrozen. But too much of the contents were expired items that needed throwing out anyway, and
I am frikkin-A going to bed and not starting a piece-by-piece assessment tonight.
Sunday, Mother's Day. My father makes a wonderful cassoulet for dinner and gives us some. He's done a lot of cooking for 40 years now. He likes it. I can't even get him to stop, but I try to reciprocate more. Then I do some long-overdue cleanup of the laundry room. Larry has heavy-duty yard and garden work on his plate.
Monday -- A major rethawing and disposal of other freezer contents. Any leftover time is devoted to editing TWO book projects. One (my novel's final event) involves rewriting. The other involves searching through a lot of books for material. You'll get the particulars on that one, within 2-3 weeks. I think. The way things are going, don't hold me to that.
Oh crap, I have unpaid bills!Tuesday -- A lot of business shipping to do (People are buying stuff!! Thank you, God!) Then it's roast-the-turkey time. I make a full dinner of it and take some to the 'rents. More editing.
Wednesday -- Mom has a doctor's appointment in Conway, about a 45-min drive. While she was getting ready to go, I had perused their bookshelves and borrowed a C. S. Lewis book, to see what Lewis said about "The World's Last Night." We get onto the Bible topic while I drive. I hadn't realized that the Rapture wasn't mentioned as such in any of the apocalyptic material, only by St. Paul in a letter. "Where did he get the idea?" I muse and she immediately answers, "He was referring to Matthew, where Jesus says 'Two will be in the field, and one will be taken and one will remain.'" I love talking to her about this stuff. She and I are spiritually on so much the same page, both irritated by the same negative, punishment-oriented, simpleminded interpretations, though she's a nicer person. I attempt to read while Fox News intrudes on the blaring waiting-room TV. I despise TV being forced on everyone in waiting rooms. The world hates readers.
Thursday -- Like a Mature, Responsible Old Person, I've given in and made my appointment for the [
bleeping] routine colonoscopy, so this is the day of my pre-procedure consult. I sign in and am told that the insurance company will declare anything it turns up a "pre-existing condition" because we changed insurance last August. I cancel and set a September date.
I come home, eat too many potato chips out of frustration, and we pack the items we've sold for another (yes!) big shipping day.
Friday -- After we have a wonderful breakfast of Larry's blueberry pancakes, Larry heads alone to the PO and grocery store, and I head off with Mom for a different doctor's appointment. This waiting room also has a blaring TV, but it's tuned to Cartoon Network.
Back in my chair, I sigh. All kinds of intriguing audio/video offerings are getting posted by my friends on their blogs and Facebook. Problem is, all my editing has to be done on the old soundless PC. I plug in the Mac briefly and catch some of them. The phone rings. My brother, I'm told, will arrive after midnight. We are the Guest Quarters. Nothing is ready for a guest.
I have a few guest-prep duties, but most of it falls on Larry. He does a lot of laundry and cleaning anyway, and this week -
oy. Anyway, those done, it's back to WinDuhs and my word processor. I've made time this week to pointlessly argue online but not to have fun. I decide to look over drafts of unfinished blog posts for something I can give a quick going over and post without much effort.
Another Saturday, and
this enormous turkey will never end. Saturday is devoted to picking it over and making turkey pot pie, then dumping as much of the carcass as will fit into the crockpot for stock. I. Am. Sick. Of. Turkey. I make two pies and take one to the parents. My brother's one-night visit ends, but he's always fun and it saved us $8.00, or whatever the postage would have been, since we could send our nephew's birthday gift back with my bro. instead of having to mail it!
I wanted to get him the Leggo Taliban Hideout, but they were out of them, so I had to settle for a different set. OK, I'm lying. There is no such Leggo set. Anyway, I love getting out of the packing as much as I love saving the 8 bucks.
Sunday -- and I do nothing but edit. And obey the head-scratching orders of 3 demanding cats. Maybe tonight we'll get some rain which will keep the motorcycles off the roads and let us sleep.
Good night.